
Thanks a lot for showing interest in my work!
For booking an appointment please send a email to

Give me the info you know in one email
Your general idea
Approximate size
Black or color
If you have reference material, include it. 
If you have any wishes, let me know!
If you have questions, ask me
If you prefer to speak about it in person, let’s meet

Give me your phonenumber for any short notice communication.

I can draw your idea out on your appointment.
I can sketch in advance and send it to you the week before your appointment for feedback.
Mostly we get some details right together and make the final drawing on the appointment. 

There is always a lot of line drawings ready to go as well. 

I can give you an estimate price, if I have enough information.

In order to find a date together, let me know any fix days or moments free. Currently i am working with a waiting list to book in each 3 months. I started doing so, to get a grip on higher demand and time off.

Once we set a appointment, i will ask you to pay a 50€ deposit.

Give me some time to respond. It sometimes takes me even a few weeks, just because i am busy.
Please stick to the mail conversation for communication. I can’t follow if you switch to other channels with different names.

Thanks for understanding!